Interview Preparation CMR/MMR First Class/Second Class Part-7
Previous Year Oral/Interview Questions for First Class and Second Class Manager's Certificate of Competency Examination Under CMR,1957 and MMR,1961 conducted by Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS)
These are the questions which were asked in previous year interview
1. What is Regulation 144?
2. How is the application for depillaring made?
3. Which equipments are kept in rescue room and rescue station?
4. What are the features of Indian Coal?
· Type of coal
· Compressive strength of Indian coal
· Carbon content, sulphur content, ash content etc
· Major difference between Jharia coalfield and Ranjganj Coalfields
5. What is the difference between bipartite committee and tripartite committee?
6. What do you understand by the term ‘Statutory capacity’ and ‘Confidential capacity’? Who are the persons employed at a mine in statutory and confidential capacity? Do you work in statutory capacity or confidential capacity?
Statutory Capacity: An employee is said to work in statutory capacity if he has to perform specific duties or supervision as per Mines Act which have been subsequently elaborated through Mines Regulations (CMR or MMR). Positions like Manager, under manager or assistant manager, ventilation officer, safety officer, sampling incharge, dust incharge, overman, sirdar, engineer, surveyor etc comes under statutory capacity.
Confidential Capacity: An employee is said to work in confidential capacity if he is not authorized or expected to reveal or share an information regarding policies, financial performance, employee details, mines inspections etc. unless he is authorized to do so.
Such positions may be defined by
- government or any of its organ e.g. DGMS in accordance with Mines Act
- For example, information obtained during inspection of a mine cannot be disclosed by Chief inspector or any inspector or any person acting in this behalf unless said to do so. This means these persons are acting in confidential capacity for this purpose.
- the company itself in accordance with company’s rule
- For example, Chartered accountant (CA) preparing annual financial report of company cannot disclose the information until it is laid before shareholders and general public. So in this case CA is said to work in confidential capacity. Confidentiality of information is maintained in every organization to aid proper policy formulation and efficient functioning. It may be at company level, area level or even Mines level.
7. What do you understand by committee? How many members are there in the committee? Who appoints them? What are the special powers of committee?
8. What are the statutory provisions regarding maintenance of safety in a mine?
9. What is the difference between EIA, EIS and EMP?
10. What are the names of Green house gases?
11. What are the standards of ventilation as per CMR?
12. What should be the number of persons employed in a mine?
· To appoint a workmen inspector
· To appoint a welfare officer
· To establish a canteen
· To make shelter
13. Who are the members of pit safety committee?
14. What are different forms and for what purpose they are used?
15. What are the conditions laid down in CMR regarding contiguous working?
16. Why there is a requirement of having two outlets in an underground mine? What should be the minimum distance between two outlets? Why this minimum distance is maintained between two outlets?
17. What do you understand by fleet angle? Why should not be fleet angle greater than 1.5 degrees?
18. Why should the diameter of the drum not be less than 100 times the diameter of winding rope?
19. Who decides the number of persons allowed to ride in a cage?
20. What safety requirement needs to be maintained in rope haulages?
21. What should be the dimension of manholes situated belowground?
22. What is the factor of safety (FOS)?
23. What precautions need to be maintained before depillaring? What are the conditions laid down in CMR?
24. What is the difference between scale and RF of a plan?
25. What are the different types of plan and what are the conditions laid in CMR regarding those plans?
26. Memorize all the signs used in a plan. Learn to identify
· Abandoned area
· Goaved out areas
· Stowed areas
· Abandoned pits
· Working shafts
· Depth of working
· Number of seams
· Inclination of seams
· Geological disturbances like faults, folds etc
· Water logged areas
· Ventilation direction
· Ventilation stoppings etc.
27. What precautions need to be taken to open an abandoned mine working? How would you make the ventilation arrangement with direction of air current?
28. How do you identify the name of mines in a plan?
29. Identify the surrounding mines, water bodies, roadways, railway lines etc.
30. If a danger of fire or inflammable gas is reported in a particular part then identify the escape route (case study based)
Likewise there may be numerous questions based on plan, working of that particular mine based from plan. There is no need to panic in the interview room. Questions will not be very specific. It will be general in nature. There may be alternate answer for a particular question. Do not try to copy the answer of other candidates. It might have negative influence on interviewer.