Mine Management Legislation First Class


FMC- Mine Management, Legislation & General Safety

Question Text:

A person is said to be not employed in the mine


  1. who works as a manager
  2. who works under appointment by the Manager
  3. who works in any office of the mine
  4. who works as a pump operator in a residential colony belonging to the mine
  5. who works in siding with in premises of the mine

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

Registers of leave with wages of every employee shall be maintained in


  1. Form-G &H
  2. Form-C&D
  3. Form-A&B
  4. Form-C&B
  5. Form-B&D

Correction Answer : Option No.(1)

Question Text:

Who will test the breathing apparatus before proceeding for below ground rescue work


  1. Manager
  2. Asst.Manager
  3. Instructor
  4. Superintendant
  5. Leader of rescue team

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

Question Text:

Who should propose a draft by law?


  1. The Chief Inspector
  2. Inspector of Mines
  3. Owner of the Mine
  4. Sec.12 Committee
  5. Safety Committee

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

Notice of abondanment shall be given to the following authorities


  1. CIM only
  2. RIM only
  3. DM only

FMC- Mine Management, Legislation &General Safety


4.To all the above

5.To none of the above

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

In respect of every person killed or injured in an accident, particulars shall be given to the CIM in


  1. Form-I
  2. Form-IV A
  3. Form-III
  4. Form-V
  5. Form-IVB

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

Question Text:

Capacity of a coal mine shall not be less than_________tonnes per month for the experience to be

qualified for Manager's exam


  1. 700
  2. 800
  3. 1000
  4. 500
  5. 600

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

Minimum age for having appointed as Manager of a coal mine is


  1. 21
  2. 18
  3. 23
  4. 19
  5. 20

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

Minimum qualification for appointment as Manager of a coal mine with a production of 10000 tonnes per month and employ 500 or more persons daily


  1. Second Class
  2. First Class
  3. Holder of Manager's Permit
  4. Degree in Mining Engineering
  5. Surveyor's Certificate

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

Minimum qualification of person for appointment as a Safety Officer of a mine with an average monthly production of 13000 tonnes is


  1. First Class
  2. Second Class
  3. Degree in Mining Engineering
  4. Diploma in Mining Engineering
  5. First Class/Second Class

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

Question Text:

Duties of Manager under CMR. 1957 does include


  1. maintaining of creche in mine
  2. maintaining pit-head bath
  3. maintaining canteen
  4. maintaining law and order in the mine
  5. take steps to ensure every competent persons carries out his duties

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

Question Text:

Choose the incorrect — the duty of Ventilation Officer shall include


  1. advise manager regarding day to day problem of ventilation
  2. carry out ventilation survey
  3. check the amperage drawn by the electric motor connected to MMV
  4. check the water gauge in the fan drift in 7 days
  5. determine efficiency of MMV once in every three months

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

To regularly visit returns of working district is a duty of


  1. Manager
  2. Asstt. Manager
  3. Safety Officer
  4. Ventilation Officer
  5. Overman

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

The features to be shown on underground plan maintained under Reg.59(1)(b) of CMR, 1957 shall not include


  1. general direction and rate of deep of strata
  2. every fault with amount and direction of throw
  3. abstract of all statutory restrictions
  4. general direction of air current
  5. every river within 200m any working

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

When the shaft is more than____________________m in depth, arrangements by mechanical means shall be made

for ascending or descending of persons



  1. 100 m
  2. 50 m
  3. 10 m
  4. 30 m
  5. 500 m

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

An automatic contrivance shall be provided in every shaft exceeding_____________metres in depth


  1. 50m
  2. 75m
  3. 100m
  4. 80m
  5. 90m

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

Height of waste dump shall not ordinarily exceed


  1. 60m
  2. 70m
  3. 80m
  4. 90m
  5. 100m

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

The CIM or an Inspector of Mines, after his inspection shall enter the contravention in Form


  1. I
  2. II
  3. Form IVA
  4. Form V
  5. Form VI

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

FMC- Mine Management, Legislation & General Safety

Question Text:

The notice in writing shall be submitted to electrical Inspector of Mines not less than

Days to bring into use the new electrical installation in the mines.


  1. 30 days
  2. 15 days
  3. 10 days
  4. 7 days
  5. 20 days

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

Minimum clearance above ground of the lowest conductor of overhead line where dumpers are operated shall be


  1. 3 meters
  2. 4 meters
  3. 6 meters
  4. 12 meters
  5. 10 meters

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

In case of portable hand lamps in underground working the voltage shall not exceed


  1. 110v
  2. 220 v
  3. 30 v
  4. 90 v
  5. 50 v

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

What %age of installed roof bolt shall be subjected to destructive testing ?


  1. 1%
  2. 2%
  3. 5%
  4. 9%
  5. 10%

Correction Answer : Option No.(1)

Question Text:

Which of the qualifications are not essential for a trainer under MVT Rules 1966



  1. Attended six lectures on safety in mines
  2. Persons with safety minded
  3. Persons with skilled and experienced
  4. Persons having aptitude for giving guidance
  5. A degree holder

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

Question Text:

As per M.V.T. Rules, every persons who under goes training and after satisfactory performance he shall be granted certificate in


  1. Form A
  2. Form C
  3. Form D
  4. Form E
  5. Form F

Correction Answer : Option No.(1)

Question Text:

Concentration of CO at any place of working shall not be more than___________ppm


  1. 100
  2. 1000
  3. 50
  4. 200
  5. 250

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

Notice of change of address of owner shall be submitted within______________ days to__________&__________



  1. 7, CIM, RIM
  2. 15. CI ivi, DM
  3. 7. CI M,DM
  4. 60. CIM, RIM
  5. 30. CIM, RIM

Correction Answer : Option No.(1)

Question Text:

At below ground mine, at least how many legible rescue tracings have to be kept available


  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. None of the Options


Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

No. of persons in a rescue team using breating apparatus shall comp-ise


  1. Not less than 3 and not more than 5
  2. not less than 5 and not more than 6
  3. not less than 2 and not more than 3
  4. not less than 7 and not more than 10
  5. not less than 7 and not more than 8

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

Leader of a resuce team engaged in resuce work shall take clear instructions from


  1. Rescue Superintendant and Manager
  2. Rescue Superintendant and Asst.Manager
  3. Instructor and person authorised by him
  4. Rescue Superintendant and person authorised by him
  5. General Manager

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

Regulations are made under Sec.57 shall be laid before each house of parliament while it is in session for a total period of


  1. 2 months
  2. 6 months
  3. 3 months
  4. 30 days
  5. 15 days

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

Which of the following is not under the purview of committee constituted under Sec.12?


  1. consider the proposal for making rules and regulations
  2. enquire into accidents referred to it by the Central Govt.
  3. enquire into the accidents referred to it by the Chief Inspector
  4. to hear and decide such appeals or objections against notices or orders under the act
  5. enquire into such other matter referred to it by Central Govt.

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

For every rope in use or intended for use. the certificate required to be obtained from the manufacturer or supplier of rope shall not require to include


FMC- Mine Management, Legislation & General Safety

  1. breaking load of the rope
  2. construction of the rope
  3. diameter of the rope
  4. type of capel to be used
  5. Quality of the rope

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

What should be the minimum distance between centres of adjacent pillars with 4.2m width of gallery and depth of working being 200m from surface


  1. 22.5m
  2. 30.5m
  3. 34.5m
  4. 39.5m
  5. 45.0m

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

Which of the following informationiclocument shall not require to be provided while applying for permission to work under railways :

  1. position of mine working in relation to the railway
  2. manner in which operation is proposed to carried out
  3. limits to which it is proposed to carry out the operation
  4. to submit two copies plans showing existing and proposed mining operations

(vi)                            Proposed protective works



  1. ii
  2. iii
  3. iv
  4. v

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

Question Text:

Rescue Room shall be established when more than______________________persons employed, and rescue

station shall be within a radius of_____________Km


  1. 500 & 50
  2. 100 & 35
  3. 200 & 35
  4. 300 & 50
  5. 100 & 50

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

All electric lamp shall be enclosed in


  1. Flameproof enclosures type 'e
  2. Intrinsically Safe circuit
  3. Non FLP
  4. Flameproof enclosure type 'a'
  5. Coliery made enclosures

Correction Answer : Option No.(1)

Question Text:

Which two of the following statements are correct for setting of supports with a designed setting load usually?

  1. to provide positive thrust against the roof
  2. To increase the support capacity
  3. To reduce the breakdown of the support
  4. Not to allow separation of bedding plane
  5. To withdraw support easily


  1. 1EL2
  2. 2&.3
  3. 3&.4
  4. 4E.L5
  5. 1E.L5

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

Question Text:

In case of gassy mine of the third degree, electric welding apparatus may be used underground only if permission from                         Is obtained


  1. CIM
  2. RIM
  3. Manager
  4. Agent
  5. Safety Officer

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

Which of the the following statement is wrong . The incumbustible dust used for treatment of coal dust shall


  1. not contain more than 5% of free silica content
  2. be readily dispersible in air
  3. not cake
  4. be light in colour
  5. be able to absorb moisture

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)




Question Text:

Heavy type of stone dust barrier shall be loaded with not more than_______________ Dust per metre

of shelf length, total quantity of stone dust in the barrier shall not be less than________________of stone

dust per square meter of cross section.


  1. 30, 390
  2. 30. 110
  3. 60, 110
  4. 60, 390
  5. 45, 110

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

In bord and pillar working. only_______________ type stone dust barrier may be provided at a distance of

not less than_____________________m from nearest working and not more than______________m from the

fartherst working.


  1. Heavy, 135, 365
  2. Light, 135, 365
  3. Heavy, 180, 320
  4. light, 180, 320
  5. heavy, 145, 345

Correction Answer : Option No.(1)

Question Text:

What shall be the minimum velocity of air current at 4.5 m from any face in the intake side in 3rd degree mines


  1. 20m/min
  2. 40m/min
  3. 35m/min
  4. 45m/min
  5. 30m/min

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

Standing order specifying action to be taken for withdrawal of persons in the event of stopage of

main mechanical venilator shall be submitted by _____________within___________days of

installation of main mechanical ventilator


  1. GM, 25 day
  2. agent. 21 days
  3. manager, 30 days
  4. ventilation officer, 30 days
  5. Safety officer, 21 days

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

As per M.V.T. Rules 1966 what is full day release system of training


  1. Releasing a group of batch of workers belonging to the same trade at the end of shift
  2. Releasing a group of batch of workers belonging to the same trade, class or category from normal work
  3. Releasing a group of batch of workers belonging to the same mine at the beginning of the shift
  4. Releasing a group or batch of workers belonging to the other mine to carry traiing
  5. Releasing a group or batch of workers belonging to the same trade or class or category to attend training at the middle of the shift.

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

A dumper operator is required to undergo theoritica[ and on the job training for



  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 15 (4.) 20 (5) 24

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

Question Text:

What is Pay back method?


  1. The payback method of a project is to recover al[ investments in 2 years time
  2. The payback method is method of evaluating a project by measuring the time it will take to recover the initial investment.
  3. The payback method of a project is to recover all investments in 7 years time
  4. The payback method of a project is to recover all investments in 10 years time
  5. The payback method of a project is to recover all investments in 5 years time

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

While conducting job safety analysis OSA) it is not necessary to




  1. Identify the hazards
  2. Identify the steps in the activity
  3. To calculate risk score
  4. Consider existing controls
  5. Form a team

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)



Question Text:

Emergency plan for fire in a mine should include at least there of the following precautions, arrangements for

  1. Emergency evacuation
  2. Sufficient fire fighting equipment
  3. Conducting investigation
  4. Payment of compensation
  5. First aid & medical assistance


  1. I. ii, ill
  2. I, ii, v
  3. ii, iii, iv
  4. iii, iv, v
  5. ii, iv, v

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)



Question Text:

Percentage of inflammable gas should not exceed_______ % in general body of return air of any

ventilation district and________ % in any place in the mine.


  1. 1.25 & 0.5
  2. 0.5 & 1.25
  3. 0/5 & 1.25
  4. 0.5 & 0.75
  5. 1.25 & 1.25

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)



Question Text:

Every main mechanical ventilator shall be provided and maintained___________ and______

  1. Instrument for measuring the quantity of air flowing through the fan
  2. Instrument for continuously measuring pressure developed
  3. For arrangements of reversal of air current
  4. Arrangements for measuring humidity

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

No working shall be extended to a distance of more than__________ from the nearest ventilation

conncection unless the air is coursed upto a point within__________of the face.


  1. 5 m. 5 m
  2. 5 m. 10 m
  3. 4.5 rn. 5m
  4. 4.5 rn. 4.5 m
  5. 4.5 rn. 10 m

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)


Question Text:

The Owner. Agent or Manager shall provide SCSR to every person if travel time is more than 30min in below ground workings with SCSR of duration of


  1. 30min
  2. 40min
  3. 45 min
  4. 50 min
  5. 60min

Correction Answer : Option N0,(5)

Question Text: What is Man power distribution plan


  1. Manager shall assess manpower deployed for achieving targets
  2. Distribution of men for deployment at surface area and stores
  3. It is plan showing distribution of men for carrying track laying
  4. Manager shall ensure that the persons reported are marked their attendances as per manpower distribution plan
  5. Manager shall at the beginning of every month make a survey and prepare a sketch plan showing no.of persons normally employed in every district

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)


Question Text:

Match the following:-



D uties

(a) Manager

1) organize safety weeks

(b) Asstt. Manager

2) ensure correct siteing of auxiliary fan belowground

(c) Safety Officer

3) Inspection of mine workings at least 4 days in a week

(d) Ventilation officer

4) To see that in the part of mine assigned to him all work is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the act


  1. a1,b3,c2,d4
  2. a3,b4,c1,d2
  3. a4,b3,c1,d2
  4. a2,b2,c1,d4,
  5. a3,b1,c4,d3

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

Appropriate equipment shall be suitably placed in the mines for automatically disconnecting the supply to any part of the system, where a fault including earth fault occurs as fault current shall not be more than Milliampeare in installation exceeding V upto V


  1. 1000, 110 and 1000
  2. 850, 250 and 3300
  3. 750, 250 and 1100
  4. 900, 220 and 500
  5. 950, 550, 1100

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)



Question Text:

If the RMR of a Roof in 55 what should be the expected rock load?


  1. 2 to 3 ti m2
  2. 4 to 5 t I m2
  3. >5 ti m2
  4. 1 to 2 ti m2
  5. <1 ti m2

Correction Answer : Option No.(1)

Question Text:

Sampling for respirable airborne dust in an Longwall mine shall be done at _________________m outbye of

the face in the intake airway, _____________m from the intake end of the face and______________m inbye of the

return end of the face


  1. 10,10,10
  2. 10,20,30
  3. 30,10,10
  4. 30,20,10
  5. 30,10,30

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

Notice of intentional flooding shall be given to RIM,_____________and management of neighbouring

mines,____________Days prior to the flooding


  1. GM, 7 days
  2. DM, 7 days
  3. CMD, 14 days
  4. CIM, 14 days
  5. Director, 10 days

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

What is Enterprise resource planning (ERP)?


  1. Business management software that a company can use to collect royalty from business activities.
  2. Business management software that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities.
  3. Business management software that a company can use to collect cess from many business activities.
  4. Business management software that a company can use to pay salaries to their employees
  5. Business management software that a company can use to develop soft ware for their business activities.

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

Define Water Management.



  1. The activity of management of water resources through sewage or wastewater.
  2. The activity of planning, developing, distributing and optimum use of water resources under defined water polices and regulations which also includes treatment of drinking water, industrial water, sewage or wastewater.
  3. The optimum use of water resources through management of water treatment plant.
  4. activity of management of rain water and its harnessing for drinking and cultivation purpose .
  5. The activity of distributing water resources like drinking water. industrial water.

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

What is Sewage Treatment Plant?


  1. Mechanical process of treatment of rain water.
  2. Process in which mechanical components provide a process to treat sea water.
  3. Process in which mechanical components provide to help to break solids into a cleaner, more environmentally friendly effluent.
  4. Process in which mechanical components provide to break solids to produce a waste which is not a environmental friendly effluent.
  5. Process in which mechanical components provide a process to break solids into gases and liberate into air.

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

Define Inventory Management.


  1. It is a process in which every company builds up large quantity of spares for their use
  2. It is a process in which each company manufactures large no.of spares for their use
  3. It is a process in which each company manufactures large quantity of spares for marketing
  4. It is a process of ensuring that a company always has the required spares it needs on hand and keeps low stocks which inturn results low cost as possible.
  5. It is a process of ensuring that each company always has required spares which it needs by establishing manufacturing unit itself and also supplies to others

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text: What is work study?


  1. It is a techinique for carrying out study of operations being carried out for saving money
  2. It is a generic term for techniques, particularly method study and time study and defined as analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort.
  3. It is a generic term for establishing a method of work to save time and manpower                            '
  4. It is a generic term for carrying out study to save materials and man hours for effecting cost to the company
  5. It is a process of ensuring that each company always has required spares which it needs by establishing manufacturing unit itself and also supplies to others

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

Define Management.


  1. Running of an organisation with a sole motive of profitabilty
  2. The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.
  3. The organisatin and cordianfion of all activities of a business to achive high margin of profitability
  4. The organisation and corclinafin of all activities of business in order to achieve high standards of producitivity
  5. The organisation and cordination of all activities of business in order to achieve company's goals in terms of overseas business

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

What do you mean by Conflict Management?


  1. It is a process in which every company builds up large quantity of spares for their use
  2. It is a process in which each company developes negative points in each heirarchy for their benefit
  3. It is a process of increasing negative aspects of conflicts and gain confidence with one group of persons for company's progress
  4. It is a process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict or conflict management is the practice of being able to identify and handle conflicts sensibly. fairly. and efficiently.
  5. It is a process of limiting the positive aspects of conflicts while increasing the negative aspects of conflict or conflict management so that the company can draw benefit among workmen

Correction Answer : Option No.(4) Question Text:

Define Production Management.


  1. It means planning, organising, directing and controlling of production activities.
  2. It is a process in which manpower and production activities are taken into account for increasing production
  3. It is a process in which each company manufactures large quantity of spares for marketing
  4. It is a process in which each company ensures that their targets are achieved by devisive plans
  5. It is a process in which each company ensures low cost inputs and achieves productivity and profitability

Correction Answer : Option No.(1) Question Text:

What is Capital Budgeting?


  1. It is a management techinique in which each company spends large amounts of money for welfare of their employees
  2. It is management techinique in which each company sends their employees and officers for overseas training to increase their loyalness
  3. It is a management techinique in which each company invests large amount of money for procuring machinery and plant for their enterprise
  4. The process in which a business determines whether projects such as building a new plant or investing in a long-term venture are worth pursuing.
  5. Management of a business or industry by carrying out scientific studies and implementing the same for increasing their production and prociuctivitly

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

How do you assess Internal rate of return?


  1. It is the interest rate at which the net present value of all the cash flows (both positive and negative) from a project or investment equal to zero.
  2. It is the rate in which each company plans for invest their capital so that they always be in a profit mode
  3. It is the interest rate in which each company borrows money from banks and other fellow companies
  4. It is the interest rate in which capital was farrowed from overseas market for establishing a company
  5. Each company borrows capital investment from financial institutions and the rate of interest which it has to pay back to the lenders is called IRR

Correction Answer : Option No.(1)

Question Text:

Define EMP


  1. An EMP is a site-specific plan developed only to ensure to protect land.
  2. An EMP is a site-specific plan developed only to ensure that all necessary measures are identified and implemented in order to protect forest .
  3. An EMP is a site-specific plan only to ensure that all necessary measures are taken and to protect water.
  4. An EMP is a site-specific plan developed to ensure that all necessary measures are identified and implemented in order to protect the environment and comply with environmental legislation.
  5. An EMP is a site-specific plan developed only to protect the villages.

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)  Question Text:

Identify from the following chacteristics of safety management system. which belong to either : a) Rule based safety management system or (b) Risk based safety management

I) Reactive (ii)Proactive (iii) Focussed in human error (iv) Focussed on system error (v) enforcement driven


  1. (a)I, ii, iii (b) iv, v
  2. (a)ii and iv (b) I, ii, v
  3. (a)I, iv (b) ii, iii, v
  4. (a) I, ii (b) iii, iv, v
  5. (a) I, ill, v (b) ii. iv

Correction Answer : Option No,(5)

Question Text: Match the following:-


Type of control

xample of control

(a) Elimination control

– Automatic fire damp detector

(b) Separation control

-i Safety belt

(c) Engineering control

iii) use of surface miner to stop blasting in mine

(d) Administrative control

iv) SOP for dragline operation

(e) Personal protective equipment

v) Separate road for light – vehicles



  1. a-I, b-ii,       d-iv, e-v
  2. d-v, e-1
  3. b-v, c-1, d-iv, e-ii
  4. a-iii, b-iv, c-v, d-I,
  5. a-iv, bill, c-ii, d-I. e-v

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

Three common mistakes while conducting risk assessment are

  1. Objectives of risk assessment not clearly spelt
  2. No follow up of risk assessment
  3. Manager is not included in the team
  4. No provision for monitoring and review
  5. Safety officer is not involved in all risk assessment

Correction Answer : Option No. (4)  Question Text:

Which two of the following information/documents are essential to be provided while applying for


permission under Reg.127(3) of CM R, 1957 to approach within 6Dm of a water-logged workings:‑

  1. outlines of all disued or abandoned working in relation to the approaching workings
  2. method of proposed working.
  3. distance from the shaft or incline
  4. thickness of the seam
  5. presence of faults or the geological disturbances in relation to the working.


  1. (a) & (d)
  2. (a) & (c )
  3. (b) & (c )
  4. (c ) & (d)
  5. (a) & (b)

Correction Answer : Option No.(5)

Question Text:

Which three of the following precautions are appropriate against danger of inundation from potential water bodies :-

(1)drivage is limited to only essential headings.

(ii)drivage should be so arranged that an adequate cover against potential water body is always


(iii)extraction should ordinarily by caving method.

  1. four way junctions are preferred
  2. minimise damage to roof during blasting


  1. (i), (1i)& (iii),
  2. (i), (ii) & (v)
  3. (ID. (iii) & (v)
  4. (i), (iv) & (v)
  5. (11), (iv) & (v)

Correction Answer : Option No.(2)

Question Text:

In which of following three areas, quantity of air shall be measured at least once in evey 14 days :­(a) every main intake airway of every seam

(b)first working place in every district

(c ) every haulage roadway

  1. every electrical sub-station
  2. every main return of every seam


  1. (a), (b) & (e)
  2. (a), (b) & (d)
  3. (a, (b) & (c )
  4. (b), (c ), (d)
  5. every electrical sub-station

Correction Answer : Option No.(1)

Question Text:

If any determination of inflammable gas shows the percentage of inflammable gas to exceed O.S.

determination shall be ordinarily made at intervals not exceeding________ hrs for so long as such

content exceeds that percentage and for the_____ following days


  1. 36hrs, 7days
  2. 48hrs, 7days
  3. 24hrs. 7days
  4. 24hrs. 3days
  5. 24hrs. 2days

Correction Answer : Option No.(3)

Question Text:

The additional precautions while using auxiliary fan in degree-III underground mine against explosion hazard includes sequence control of all auxiliary fans installed belowground,_________

  1. independent power supply to the fan
  2. Electrical interlocking with face machinery and auxiliary fan
  3. individual fan attendant with each fan
  4. use of rigid air duct
  5. use of air duct made up aluminium alloy materials


  1. (b) & (c )
  2. (c ) & (d)
  3. (d) & (e)
  4. (a) & (b)
  5. (a) & (c )

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

Question Text:

While fixing the maximum number of shots a shortfirer may fire, Manager shall consider

  1. time normally required to prepare and fire a shot
  2. time required for the shotfirer to move between places where shots are fired (c ) assistance available to the shotfirer
  1. No. of persons working in the district
  2. Other duties assigned to him

Which one of the above is incorrect?


  1. (a)
  2. (b)
  3. (c )
  4. (d)
  5. (e)

Correction Answer : Option No.(4)

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