Mine Management Legislation Safety Second Class-Syllabus Metal Restricted
Mine Management; Legislation, Environmental Management and General Safety
Mine Management :
Introduction: Principles of scientific management; management functions; planning; organisation and control; structure of organisation for mining enterprises.
Personal Management: Selection; training and development of human resources; conflict management; sources of conflict; dealing with conflict; motivation and two way personal communication.
Production Management: Production planning; scheduling and control; short term and long term planning; productivity and its measurements.
Environmental Management: Mine environment monitoring and control.EMP; mine closure plan; R&R (rehabilitation and re- settlement).
Mine Legislation:
Health and Safety Laws: The Mines Act, 1952; Mines Rules, 1955; Metalliferous Mine Regulation, 1961; Mines Rescue Rules, 1985; provisions of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 applicable to mines; Mine Vocational Training Rules, 1966; other rules and legislation as applicable to opencast metalliferous mines.
General Safety in Mines:
Safety in Mines: Causes and prevention of accidents and their classification; frequency rate and severity rates; cause-wise analysis; investigations into accidents and accident reports; in-depth study into various causes of accidents; measures for improving safety in mines; risk assessment and risk management; cost of accident; safety management system; human elements in mine safety; workers participation in safety management; ISO and safety audit; safety conferences; tripartite and bipartite committees.
Disaster management; rescue and recovery; investigations and reports; investigation after surface mine fires; fire fighting plan.First aid and ambulance work.
Silicosis and pneumoconiosis; physiological aspects of breathing in dust laden atmosphere; dust sampling and sampling instruments; methods of counting and analysis; other mines diseases and their symptoms; prevention and treatment.
Lighting: general principles of artificial lighting; lighting standards and their assessment. Sanitation and health in mines.
Safety related issues in mineral beneficiation and transport.