Study Material: Mine Management Coal / Metal – Personnel Management/Selection

The following passage is an explanation of the term ‘Selection’ pertaining to ‘Management’. It is followed by a set of questions, to help you review what you have gained by the reading the same. Please tick only one option, for an answer.

‘Selection’ is…

  • Process of assigning the right job to the right person.
  • Procedure of matching the requirements of a job giver with the skills and qualifications of a job seeker.

‘Selection’ enables…

  • Guaranteed Quality of Employee performance.
  • Organizations face less absenteeism and employee turn-over problems.
  • Organizations save time and money.

Effective selection is possible through effective matching of candidate profiles and organizational requisites.

A basic form of‘Selection’ takes place in following order, consisting six important phases:


Preliminary Interviews[GATE, etc]

  • To eliminate candidates –who do not possess minimum criteria of eligibility, laid down by an organization
  • The skills, academic and family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined
  • Less formal and unplanned than the final interviews
  • Candidates are briefed about the company and the job profile
  • This phase alsoexamines how much the candidate knows about a company.
  • Also called screening interviews.

Application Sheets

  • Candidates who clear the Preliminary interviews are eligible for this phase.
  • An application sheet is to be filled by a candidate.
  • Contains candidate’s data, such as…
    • Age
    • Qualifications
    • Experience, etc(Optional)

Written Tests

  • Various written tests are conducted during this phase… like;
    • Aptitude test
    • Intelligence test
    • Reasoning test
    • Personality test, etc.

These tests are used to objectively assess the potential candidate. They should not be biased.

Employment Interviews

  • One to one interaction b/w the selector and the potential candidate
  • Determines if the candidate is suitable
  • Time consuming and require more funds
  • Competencies can’t be judged with a single interaction –hence, these may be biased, at times.
  • Requires an honest communication between candidate and selector.
  1. A Medical Examinationis conducted to ensure physical fitness of the potential employee, which in turn decreases chances of employee absenteeism.
  2. A formal Appointment Letter is given to the candidate, preceded by a reference check about the candidate selected.

‘Recruitment’although overlapping, should be differentiated from ‘Selection’.

Selection and Recruitment are two phases of employment process.

‘Recruitment’ is a…Positive process, as…

  1. It motivates more candidates to apply for a job
  2. It creates a pool of applicants.
  3. It is majorly just sourcing of data.


‘Selection’ is a…Negative process as…

  1. Inappropriate candidates are rejected here.
  2. Involves choosing the best candidate with best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required job.


Recruitmentprecedesselection in staffing process

eg:To understand the process of selection with respect to Mining Industries – glance at the‘IndianOil’ Illustration, underneath;

* The selection methodology will comprise of the following;

  1. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineers (GATE) 2016 score of the candidates.

[Preliminary Interviews/ Application Sheets/ Written Tests –Qualifying/ Screening/ Knowing of the Candidate are performed through one single examination (GATE), here.]

  1. Qualifying GATE-2016, candidates are short listed for further selection process comprising of:
  1. Group Discussion (GD)
  2. Group Task (GT)
  3. Personal Interview (PI)

For assessment of different facets of…

  1. Knowledge
  2. Skill
  3. Attitude
  4. Aptitude

[Employment Interviews are spread out through GD, GT and PI]

  1. Candidates desirous of seeking employment with IndianOil need to be medically fit as per their pre-employment medical standard.Candidates are advised to go through the “Guidelines and Criteria for Physical Fitness for Pre-employment medical Examinationbefore they commence the application process.

[The above covers the Medical Examination aspect of the ‘Selection’procedure.]

The following passage is an explanation of the term ‘Selection’ pertaining to ‘Management’. It is followed by a set of questions, to help you review what you have gained by the reading the same. Please tick only one option, for an answer.

‘Selection’ is…

  • Process of assigning the right job to the right person.
  • Procedure of matching the requirements of a job giver with the skills and qualifications of a job seeker.

‘Selection’ enables…

  • Guaranteed Quality of Employee performance.
  • Organizations face less absenteeism and employee turn-over problems.
  • Organizations save time and money.

Effective selection is possible through effective matching of candidate profiles and organizational requisites.

A basic form of‘Selection’ takes place in following order, consisting six important phases:

Preliminary Interviews[GATE, etc]

  • To eliminate candidates –who do not possess minimum criteria of eligibility, laid down by an organization
  • The skills, academic and family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined
  • Less formal and unplanned than the final interviews
  • Candidates are briefed about the company and the job profile
  • This phase alsoexamines how much the candidate knows about a company.
  • Also called screening interviews.

Application Sheets

  • Candidates who clear the Preliminary interviews are eligible for this phase.
  • An application sheet is to be filled by a candidate.
  • Contains candidate’s data, such as…
    • Age
    • Qualifications
    • Experience, etc(Optional)

Written Tests

  • Various written tests are conducted during this phase… like;
    • Aptitude test
    • Intelligence test
    • Reasoning test
    • Personality test, etc.

These tests are used to objectively assess the potential candidate. They should not be biased.

Employment Interviews

  • One to one interaction b/w the selector and the potential candidate
  • Determines if the candidate is suitable
  • Time consuming and require more funds
  • Competencies can’t be judged with a single interaction –hence, these may be biased, at times.
  • Requires an honest communication between candidate and selector.
  1. A Medical Examinationis conducted to ensure physical fitness of the potential employee, which in turn decreases chances of employee absenteeism.
  2. A formal Appointment Letter is given to the candidate, preceded by a reference check about the candidate selected.

‘Recruitment’although overlapping, should be differentiated from ‘Selection’.

Selection and Recruitment are two phases of employment process.

‘Recruitment’ is a…Positive process, as…

  1. It motivates more candidates to apply for a job
  2. It creates a pool of applicants.
  3. It is majorly just sourcing of data.


‘Selection’ is a…Negative process as…

  1. Inappropriate candidates are rejected here.
  2. Involves choosing the best candidate with best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required job.


Recruitmentprecedesselection in staffing process.

eg:To understand the process of selection with respect to Mining Industries – glance at the‘IndianOil’ Illustration, underneath;

* The selection methodology will comprise of the following;

  1. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineers (GATE) 2016 score of the candidates.

[Preliminary Interviews/ Application Sheets/ Written Tests –Qualifying/ Screening/ Knowing of the Candidate are performed through one single examination (GATE), here.]

  1. Qualifying GATE-2016, candidates are short listed for further selection process comprising of:
  1. Group Discussion (GD)
  2. Group Task (GT)
  3. Personal Interview (PI)

For assessment of different facets of…

  1. Knowledge
  2. Skill
  3. Attitude
  4. Aptitude

[Employment Interviews are spread out through GD, GT and PI]

  1. Candidates desirous of seeking employment with IndianOil need to be medically fit as per their pre-employment medical standard.Candidates are advised to go through the “Guidelines and Criteria for Physical Fitness for Pre-employment medical Examinationbefore they commence the application process.

[The above covers the Medical Examination aspect of the ‘Selection’procedure.]

Tick The Correct Option:

1. The process of selection includes…

  1. Resigning
  2. Segregating
  3. Assigning
  4. Planning

2. Recruitment as a process is…

  1. Positive
  2. Favorable
  3. Cathartic
  4. None of the above

3. Which of these tests are in written?

  1. Aptitude test
  2. Intelligence test
  3. Personality test
  4. All of the above

4. The selection procedure consists of how many phases?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 6
  4. 9

5. Selection is preceded by __________ in the staffing process.

  1. Placement
  2. Development
  3. Recruitment
  4. Appraisal

6. Which of the following can be a part of the “Employment Interview” phase?

  1. GD
  2. GT
  3. PI
  4. All of the above

7. A personal interview assesses different facets of…

  1. Mother nature
  2. Job skills
  3. Afterlife
  4. None of the above

8. Employee absenteeism is monitored through which examination?

  1. Blood analysis
  2. Audiometric tests
  3. Lung function testing
  4. All of the above.

9. ‘GATE’ covers which phases of the selection procedure?

  1. Employment interviews
  2. Medical examination
  3. Reference checking
  4. None of the above

10. Which of these is a negative process?

  1. Training
  2. Planning
  3. Selection
  4. Remunerating


  1. Assigning–Selection is the process of assigning the right job to the right person.
  2. Positive – ‘Recruitment’ is a ‘Positive process’, as it motivates more candidates to apply for a job, creates a pool of applicants, enables data sourcing.
  3. All of the above – The given options are all in written.
  4. 6 phases – Namely;1. Preliminary Interviews, 2. Application Sheets, 3. Written Tests, 4. Employment Interviews, 5. Medical Examination and 6. Appointment Letter.
  5. Recruitment
  6. All of the above –The given options are all a part of the ‘Employment Interview’ phase.
  7. Job skills
  8. All of the above – The given options are all a type of medical examination.
  9. None of the above – GATE enables Qualifying/ Screening/ Knowing of the Candidate and hence, covers Preliminary Interviews/ Application Sheets/ Written Tests.
  10. Selection – ‘Selection’ is a Negative process as, Inappropriate candidates are rejected here, choosing the best candidate with best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required job.


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