Comprehensive Guide to Coal Mines Regulations (CMR), 2017: Definitions, Compliance, and Safety Standards

Understanding the Coal Mines Regulations (CMR), 2017: An Overview

The Coal Mines Regulations (CMR), 2017 is a crucial legal framework that governs the mining operations in India. These regulations ensure the safety, efficiency, and proper management of coal mines across the country.

Chapter I: Preliminary

1. Short Title, Commencement, Application, and Extent

The Coal Mines Regulations, 2017 came into force upon their publication in the Official Gazette. These regulations:

  • Apply to all coal mines in India.

  • Extend to the entire country, ensuring uniform implementation.

2. Definitions

The CMR defines various terms that are critical to understanding mining regulations. Some key definitions include:

Mining Operations & Safety

  • Abandoned Working: Mines that have been abandoned with no intention of reopening.

  • Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM): Natural gas extracted from abandoned coal mines.

  • Coal Mine Methane (CMM): Natural gas recovered from active coal mines.

  • Face: The working front of any mining excavation.

  • Explosive: As defined under the Explosives Act, 1884, covering substances used in blasting.

  • Fiery Seam: A seam in which a fire or spontaneous heating exists in underground or opencast workings.

  • Goaf: Any part of underground workings from which coal has been extracted but is no longer in operation.

Personnel & Roles

  • Assistant Manager: A certified professional assisting the mine manager.

  • Banksman: A person managing the lowering and raising of personnel and materials at the mine’s entrance.

  • Manager: An appointed individual responsible for overseeing mining operations as per regulation 27.

  • Overman: A certified supervisor managing mine operations under the manager’s direction.

  • Shot-Firer: A person responsible for controlled blasting within the mine.

  • Competent Person: A person over 20 years old, appointed in writing by the manager, to supervise machinery, equipment, and operations.

  • Contractor: Any individual, firm, or company providing mining services on a contractual basis, including subcontractors.

Equipment & Infrastructure

  • Auxiliary Fan: A ventilator used for underground mine ventilation.

  • Booster Fan: A fan that enhances air circulation in mining operations.

  • Flame-Proof Enclosure: Equipment designed to prevent the ignition of hazardous gases.

  • Heavy Earth Moving Machinery (HEMM): Large machinery used for excavation and mining activities.

  • Haul Road: A designated route within an open-cast mine for the movement of heavy vehicles.

  • Pipeline: A system used for pumping water, filling materials, or extracting coal mine methane (CMM) and abandoned mine methane (AMM).

  • Shaft: A vertical or inclined passage used for transportation between surface and underground workings.

Mine Classifications & Conditions

  • Gassy Seam (First, Second, Third Degree):

    • First Degree: Emission of inflammable gas below 0.1 cubic meters per tonne of coal produced.

    • Second Degree: Emission between 0.1 and 10 cubic meters per tonne.

    • Third Degree: Emission exceeding 10 cubic meters per tonne.

  • Discontinued Working: Inaccessible mines with a possibility of future reopening.

  • Disused Working: Temporarily stopped but still accessible mining areas.

  • Misfire: A charge of explosives that failed to detonate.

  • Ventilation District: A section of a mine with independent intake and return airways for ventilation control.

  • General Body of Air: The atmosphere in a coal seam, excluding sealed-off areas or boreholes.

Chapter II: Returns, Notices, and Records

3. Notice of Opening

The notice for commencing mining operations under section 16 of the Mines Act must:

  • Be submitted in the prescribed form to the Chief Inspector and Regional Inspector.

  • Include a plan outlining the mine boundaries, shafts, openings, and significant surface features.

Significance of CMR, 2017

The Coal Mines Regulations, 2017, plays a pivotal role in ensuring:

  • Worker Safety: Enforcing strict protocols to minimize accidents.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Defining clear operational guidelines.

  • Environmental Protection: Managing methane emissions and ventilation requirements.

  • Operational Efficiency: Standardizing processes for better mine management.


The CMR, 2017, establishes comprehensive guidelines for coal mining in India, safeguarding the interests of both workers and mine owners. Adhering to these regulations is essential for legal compliance, safety enhancement, and sustainable mining practices. Understanding the definitions and applications of these regulations is crucial for anyone involved in the coal mining sector.


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